My Sponsor Said, “Send it to Lifeline”
Ana reflects on Lifeline’s role in her recovery and in those of her sponsees. Listen to this short recording and become inspired to send in your story!
Ana reflects on Lifeline’s role in her recovery and in those of her sponsees. Listen to this short recording and become inspired to send in your story!
What is the inspiration and vision for our new Lifeline blog? Watch these scripted interviews with the committee that helped bring this project to life! Learn the many ways you can contribute and carry the message to everyone who is searching online for a solution.
A collection of inspiring speeches given by OA’s founder Rozanne S. at World Service Business Conferences in 1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, and 2001.
Cyndy, compulsive eater, and Meg, food and sugar addict, host this workshop on Step Twelve: “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to compulsive overeaters and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” This workshop includes great shares about the value of giving service.
Matt, a young person in OA, talks about his recovery journey and the impact that other OA members had on him as they carried the message to him through their example of taking themselves and the OA program seriously.
“We are all in charge of our own side of the street and our own programs,” says one OA member, who remarks how gratifying it is that service body decisions are all based on following our primary purpose: to carry the message of recovery.
Once Donna understood that writing to Lifeline helps others, she was able to overcome fear of not being good enough, a fear that was keeping her in her disease of compulsive eating.